Course curriculum

    1. Django_intro

    2. S01L05 - Setup

    3. S01L06 - Django startproject

    1. S02L01 - Getting started with app

    2. S02L02 - Creating the first view

    3. S02L03 - Connecting app with the project

    1. S03L01 - Add another page with title via variable

    2. S03L02 - The template

    3. S03L03 - Template in Django

    4. S03L04 - Fixing the static links

    5. S03L05 - Fixing the url link of the template

    6. S03L06 - Head and footer of the template

    7. S03L07 - Add base template, removing redundancy

    8. S03L08 - Bootstrap NAV classes

    9. S03L09 - Fixing the navigation links

    1. S04L01 - Introduction to admin panel

    2. S04L02 - Admin panel continues

    3. S04L03 - Django models

    4. S04L04 - Django Migrations

    5. S04L05 - Register Django admin model

    6. S04L06 - Reading from database in Django, getting started

    7. S04L07 - Update the homepage with the blog entries from database

    8. S04L08 - Update the homepage with the blog entries from database continues

    9. S04L09 - Section wrap up

    1. S05L01 - Users app setup and app registration

    2. S05L02 - UserCreationForm basics

    3. S05L03 - UserCreationForm under Django

    4. S05L04 - The UserCreatingForm kickstart

    5. S05L05 - Django Forms rendering option overview

    6. S05L06 - Django UserCreationForm with Crispy Forms

    7. S05L07 - Customizing user registration form

    8. S05L08 - Customizing user registration form continues

    9. S05L09 - Disable the help text from Django user registration form

    10. S05L10 - Saving the form in the database in Django

    11. S05L11 - Django Widgets

    12. S05L12 - Linting issues fixer with flake8

    13. S05L13 - Update on navigation bar

    14. S05L14 - Adding flash messages

    15. S05L15 - Displaying the message on view

    16. S05L16 - Section Wrap up

    1. S06L01 - Django Built-in login view - overview

    2. S06L02 - Use build-in Django login form for the app

    3. S06L03 - Build a working login page

    4. S06L04 - The logout functionality in Django

    5. S06L05 - Fixing the navigation bar

    6. S06L06 - Linting issues fixed with a small update __str__

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 128 lessons

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