Course curriculum

    1. S01L03 -Requirements

    2. S01L04 - Getting started

    3. S01L05 -Flask debug mode

    4. S01L06 -Routes

    1. S02L01 - Use template for pages

    2. S02L02 - Visual Code for Flask

    3. S02L03 -Variables with templates

    4. S02L04 -Header and footer

    5. S02L05 - Web template

    6. S02L06 - Navigation bar

    1. S03L01 - Getting started with WTFoms

    2. S03L02 -Registration form

    3. S03L03 - Validation errors messages under Flask

    4. S03L04 - Bootstrap with Flask

    5. S03L05 - Validation error messages with bootstrap

    1. S04L01 - SQLALCHEMY getting started

    2. S04L02 - Database creation

    3. S04L03 - Simples Relationships explained

    4. S04L04 - Upgrading the flask folder structure

    5. S04L05 - Bcrypt

    6. S04L06 -Adding custom validation, Flash message

    7. S04L07 - Adding Flash messages

    1. S05L01 -Login Page

    2. S05L02 - Session management

    3. S05L03 -Remember me

    4. S05L04 - Logout, Authentication redirects

    5. S05L05 - User information update

    6. S05L06 - Profile picture - Part01

    7. S05L07 - Profile picture - Part02

    8. S05L08 - Profile picture - Part03

    9. S05L09 - Few final things

    1. S06L01 - Add Post

    2. S06L02 - Add Post Continues

    3. S06L03 - Reading the data

    4. S06L04 - Update post

    5. S06L05 - Read more

    6. S06L06 - Update Post

    7. S06L07 - Delete Post

    8. S06L08 - Finalizing it

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 43 lessons

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