Course curriculum

    1. Lecture 1- About the course

    2. Lecture 2- Background Story

    3. Lecture 3- Course upgraded!

    4. Lecture 4- IntelliJ IDEA FREE access for 6 months

    5. Lecture 5- Java versions and Setting up environment

    6. Lecture 6- How to import java Project files in IntelliJ IDEA

    7. Lecture 7- HelloWorld Java program without Maven

    8. Lecture 8- HelloWorld Java program with Maven

    9. Lecture 9- Linkedin and Instagram links

    10. Lecture 10- Maven jar plugin example

    11. Lecture 11- Keywords and variables in Java

    12. Lecture 12- Understanding variables

    13. Lecture 13- Primitive data types - integer types

    14. Lecture 14- Primitive data types - float types

    15. Lecture 15- Primitive data types - float types continues

    16. Lecture 16- Primitive Data Types - Boolean and char

    17. Lecture 17- String basics

    18. Lecture 18- Type casting in Java - (Part 01)

    19. Lecture 19- Type casting in Java - (Part 02)

    20. Lecture 20- Exercise - Solve an equation

    21. Lecture 21- Java naming conventions

    22. Lecture 22- When to use what

    23. Lecture 23- Understand Udemy interface and how to get completion

    24. Lecture 24- Project files and downloadable material and articles

    25. Quiz 1- Quiz on section 1

    26. Project files

    27. Section 01: Setting up – Explore All Lessons Articles

    1. Lecture 26- Arithmetic operators in Java - (Part 01)

    2. Lecture 27- Arithmetic operators in Java - (Part 02)

    3. Lecture 28- Making decision with operators - (Part 01)

    4. Lecture 29- Making decision with operators - (Part 02)

    5. Lecture 30- Making decision with operators - (Part 03)

    6. Lecture 31- Making decision with operators - (Part 04)

    7. Lecture 32- Ternary operator

    8. Lecture 33- Assignment operators

    9. Lecture 34- Making decision with else if

    10. Lecture 35- Udemy QnA

    11. Quiz 2- Exercise

    12. Quiz 3- Quiz on section 2

    13. Project files

    14. Section 02 – Explore All Lessons Articles

    1. Lecture 37- Switch case in Java - (Part 01)

    2. Lecture 38- Switch case in Java - (Part 02)

    3. Lecture 39- Switch case in Java - (Part 03)

    4. Lecture 40- Switch case in Java - (Part 04)

    5. Lecture 41- For loop in Java - (Part 01)

    6. Lecture 42- For loop in Java - (Part 02)

    7. Lecture 43- For loop in Java - (Part 03)

    8. Lecture 44- While loop

    9. Lecture 45- Do while loop in Java

    10. Lecture 46- Loops revisited

    11. Lecture 47- Break and Continue in Java

    12. Lecture 48- Foreach in Java

    13. Lecture 49- Nested loops

    14. Lecture 50- Sum of digits - Exercise

    15. Lecture 52- Rating and reviews

    16. Quiz 4- Quiz on section 3

    17. Project files

    18. Section 03 – Explore All Lessons Articles

    1. Lecture 53- Methods in Java

    2. Lecture 54- Return in methods of Java

    3. Lecture 55- Method overloading in Java - (Part - 1)

    4. Lecture 56- Method overloading in Java - (Part - 2)

    5. Quiz 5- Quiz on Section 4

    6. Project files

    7. Section 04 – Explore All Lessons Articles

    1. Lecture 58- Code Block, Indentation and statements

    2. Lecture 59- Java literals

    3. Lecture 60- Java Literals documentation

    4. Quiz 6- Quiz on section 5

    5. Project files

    6. Section 05 - Explore All Lessons Articles

    1. Lecture 62- IntelliJ IDEA Shortcuts

    2. Lecture 63- IntelliJ IDEA Terminal features

    3. Lecture 64- IntelliJ IDEA Docker support

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 529 lessons

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