Course curriculum

    1. en - S01L00 - About the course

    2. en - S01L00.1 - Meet your instructor

    3. en - S01L01 - Background story - Studyeasy

    4. en - S01L02 - Reviews and ratings

    5. en - S01L05 - About Curriculum (Full stack version)

    1. en - S02L01 - Download process and installation of Java (Windows)

    2. en - S02L03 - A short message

    3. en - S02L04 - Download and installation process of Eclipse

    1. en - S03L01 - The language of 50 keywords

    2. en - S03L02 - Our first Java program

    3. en - S03L03 - Variable and datatype

    4. en - S03L04 - Understanding variables

    5. en - S03L05 - Primitive Data Types

    6. en - S03L06 - Primitive Data Types (floating point datatype)

    7. en - S03L06.1- BigDecimal

    8. en - S03L07 - Primitive Data Types (boolean and char)

    9. en - S03L08 - String basics

    10. en - S03L09 - Type casting

    11. en - S03L10 - EXERCISE - Solve an equation

    12. en - S03L11 - When to use what

    13. Quiz on section 3

    14. Project files

    1. en - S03.1L01 - Videos from this section

    2. en - S03.1L03 - Project files and downloadable material and articles

    3. S03.1L05 - Videos for Java and IDE installation on MAC and Linux(document)

    4. en - S03.1L06 - IntellJ Installation and hello world

    1. en - S04L01 - Arithmetic operators

    2. en - S04L02 - Making decision with operators - Part 1

    3. en - S04L03 - Making decision with operators - Part 2

    4. en - S04L04 - Making decision with operators - Part 3

    5. en - S04L05 - Ternary operator

    6. en - S04L06 - Assignment operators

    7. en - S04L07 - Making decision with if else

    8. Quiz on Section 4

    9. Project files

    1. en - S05L01 - Switch case - Part 1

    2. en - S05L02 - Switch case - Part 2

    3. en - S05L03 - Switch case - Part 3

    4. en - S05L04 - For loop

    5. en - S05L06 - While loop

    6. en - S05L07 - Do while loop

    7. en - S05L08 - Loops Revisited

    8. en - S05L09 - Break and continue

    9. en - S05L10 - Nested loops

    10. en - S05L11 - Nested loops - exercise

    11. en - S05L12 - Modulo operator (Bonus)

    12. en - S05L13 - Sum Of digit solution (Bonus)

    13. Quiz on section 5

    14. Project files

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 597 lessons

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