Course curriculum

    1. en - About the author Take 2

    2. en - Connect on linkedin

    3. en - Discussion forum

    4. en - Facebookgroup

    5. en - Project file

    6. en - S01L03 - Short History of ML

    7. en - S01L04 - Pre-requisits

    8. en - S01L05 - Review and rating

    1. en - S02L01 - Short History of Python

    2. en - S02L02 - Python 2 Vs 3

    3. en - S02L03 - Python IDE_s options

    4. en - S02L04 - Anaconda navigator and IDE_s

    5. en - S02L05 - Jupyter notebook, Google Colab

    6. en - S02L06 - PyCharm and VS Code

    7. en - S02L07 - Virtual environment

    1. en - S03L01 - Data types

    2. en - S03L02 - Python numbers

    3. en - S03L03 - Variables and assignment

    4. en - S03L04 - String basics

    5. en - S03L05 - String Start Stop and Step

    6. en - S03L06 - String slicing

    7. en - S03L07 - String formatting

    8. en - S03L08 - Lists in Python

    9. en - S03L09 - List shorting, reversing, removing, clear, list of list

    10. en - S03L10 - Sets

    11. en - S03L11 - Tuples

    12. en - S03L12 - Dictionary in python

    13. en - S03L13 - None and Bool

    14. en - S03L14 - Comparison operators

    15. en - S03L15 - Logical operators

    1. en - S04L01 - If ElIf _ else

    2. en - S04L02 - while loop

    3. en - S04L03 - For loop

    4. en - S04L04 - Tuple unpacking

    5. en - S04L05 - Break, continue and pass

    6. en - S04L06 - Range, enumerate and zip

    7. en - S04L07 - In python

    8. en - S04L08 - input and import

    1. en - S05L01 - User-defined functions

    2. en - S05L02- Help function

    3. en - S05L03 - Scopes

    4. en - S05L04 - args and kwargs

    5. en - S05L05 - Maps, Filters and Lambdas

    6. en - S05L06 - Lambda once again

    1. en - S06L01-Python Packages

    2. en - S06L02 - User defined packages

    3. en - S06L03 - User defined packages continues

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 266 lessons

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