Course curriculum

    1. en - S01L01 - Introduction To Web Services

    2. en - S01L02 - REST webservices overview (Part - 1)

    3. en - S01L03 - Resource based URIs

    4. en - S01L04 - More about resource based URIs

    5. en - S01L05 - Rest response

    6. en - S01L06 - Status codes

    7. en - S01L07 - Idempotence of HTTP Methods

    8. en - S01L08 - Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State (HATEOAS)

    9. en - S01L10 - JAX-RS and implementations overview

    1. en - S02L00-1 - Download of installation of JDK (From Java course)

    2. en - S02L00-2 - Download and installation of eclipse (From Java course)

    3. en - S02L01 - Setting up

    4. en - S02L03 - Background story

    5. en - S02L04 - Getting started with Restful API-part1

    6. en - S02L05 - Getting started with Restful API - First API

    7. en - S02L06 - Revisiting backgrounds and handling post request

    8. en - S02L07 - Resource based URI for CRUD methods

    9. en - S02L08 - PathParams

    10. Project files

    1. en - S03L01 - Installing MySQL

    2. en - S03L02 - Creating sample database

    3. en - S03L03 - Setting up service

    4. en - S03L04 - Service layer continues

    5. en - S03L05 - Integrating hibernate

    6. en - S03L06 - Add DAO layer

    7. en - S03L07 - Implementing DAO layer

    8. en - S03L08 - XML response

    9. en - S03L09 - JSON response

    10. Project files

    1. en - S04L01 - Subresource - Setting up table

    2. en - S04L02 - Add subresource on existing resource

    3. en - S04L03 - Add subresource on existing resource in action

    4. en - S04L04 - ManyToOne mapping in hibernate

    5. en - S04L05 - Delegation call to subresource object

    6. en - S04L06 - Filter

    7. en - S04L07 - Pagination

    8. en - S04L08 - Param annotations

    9. en - S04L09 - ContextParam

    10. en - S04L10 - Sending status codes

    11. en - S04L11 - Location headers

    12. en - S04L12 - Add specific entity method

    13. en - S04L13 - URI builder

    14. en - S04L14 - WebApplicationException

    15. en - S04L15 - Exception handling with json response

    16. en - S04L16 - Exception mapper

    17. en - S04L17 - Custom exception map

    18. en - S04L18 - HATEOAS - part 1

    19. en - S04L19 - HATEOAS - part 2

    20. en - S04L20 - HATEOAS - get links from resource

    21. Project files

    1. en - S05L01 - Alternate Maven project setup

    2. en - S05L02 - Alternate application setup

    3. en - S05L03 - MessageBodyReader and Writer

    4. en - S05L04 - Implement MessageBody Writer

    5. en - S05L05 - Resource types

    6. en - S05L06 - Param with resource types

    7. en - S05L07 - Param converters

    8. en - S05L08 - Param converter implementation

    9. en - S05L09 - Param converter implementation using anonymous object

    10. Project files

    1. en - S06L01 - Building client - introduction

    2. en - S06L02 - Client building steps

    3. en - S06L04 - Post request

    4. en - S06L05 - Read response and wrapper class in brief

    5. en - S06L06 - Build HATEOS model

    6. en - S06L07 - Put and Delete operation

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  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 78 lessons

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