Course curriculum

    1. Setting up requirements

    2. Maven overview

    3. Set up Maven project for Spring Boot

    4. Project files

    1. First spring boot application

    2. Webapp with Spring boot

    3. Webapp with Spring boot continues (JSP support)

    4. Application properties

    5. ServletInitializer

    6. Create war file from maven project

    7. Meet your Author

    8. Project files

    1. Setting up restful webapp

    2. Defining the rules

    3. Bootstrapping Spring boot project

    4. Checkout "Our Full Stack Java Developer Course"

    5. Project files

    1. Add view all posts functionality

    2. Add view specific post functionality

    3. Postman

    4. Add post functionality

    5. Fixing the issue

    6. Perform update operation

    7. Perform delete operation

    8. Project files

    1. Setting up

    2. Installing MySQL

    3. Setting up connection

    4. Create database table

    5. Configuring entity class

    6. UpdateService layer

    7. Curd operations

    8. Discussion forum

    9. Project files

    1. Let's understand microservice again

    2. Setting up Spring MVC project

    3. Spring boot microservice

    4. Communicate with microservice

    5. Improve app with best practices

    6. Improve the app

    7. Improve the view - add JSTL support

    8. Microservice discovery service overview

    9. Create Eureka server

    10. Eureka Client

    11. Load balance

    12. About Project files

    13. Project files

About this course

  • $15.00 / year with 7 day free trial
  • 54 lessons

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